Parameter file


Many functionalities of an AMDiS program can be controlled using a parameter file. This file is passed as first argument to the AMDiS executable. If we want to run the ellipt.2d example using the parameter file init/ellipt.dat.2d we can do so using the following console command in the examples directory:

./ellipt.2d init/ellipt.dat.2d [other arguments]

We will give a list of possible parameters at the end of this document.

Structure of a parameter file

Parameters in the parameter file have keys in the form of strings separated by ->. This allows grouping of parameters that are related to the same things. High-level classes like ProblemStat have a string constructor argument where a name can be provided that relates to an initfile key.

  using Param = LagrangeBasis<Grid, 2>;
  ProblemStat<Param> prob("ellipt");    // make a ProblemStat with the name 'ellipt'
  ellipt->mesh: elliptMesh              % name of the mesh created by 'ellipt'
  elliptMesh->num cells: 8 8            % size of the mesh 'elliptMesh'

  ellipt->solver: pcg                   % solver type used by 'ellipt'
  ellipt->solver->max iteration: 10000  % solver parameter related to 'ellipt->solver'

As we saw above, parameters are separated from the keys with the : character and can be strings and numbers. Anything following a % character is considered a comment.

Reading from a parameter file

In the section above we learned that AMDiS classes can be given names that can then be used to specify parameters in the parameter file. In addition to the options AMDiS classes already provide we can add user-defined parameters. For this we simply have to add a key: value pair to the parameter file as we would do with the built-in options and read the value somewhere in our program using the function Parameters::get<T>:

// (1) Overwrites 'value' with the value related to 'key' if found
template <class T>
static void get(std::string const& key, T& value);

// (2) Returns a std::optional containing the value related to 'key' if found
template <class T>
static std::optional<T> get(std::string const& key);

We will now give an example of reading an int parameter called myParameter from an initfile that defaults to 3 if no parameter file containing the key is provided.

// example parameter file entry
myParameter: 42
// using (1)
int i = 3;
Parameters::get("myParameter", i);

// using (2)
int i = Parameters::get<int>("myParameter").value_or(3);

Writing to a parameter file

It is possible to change to value of a parameter given in a parameter file using the function

template <class T>
static void set(std::string const& key, T const& value);

This can be useful if we want to override certain values within our program.

List of parameters and values

In the following section <prefix> denotes a placeholder for the name given to the class instance. <treepath> is a (possibly empty) comma-separated list of integers specifying a TreePath.


key type values default value
<prefix>->mesh string Prefix used by the mesh mesh
<prefix>->restore->grid string Filename of the grid file Not optional1
<prefix>->restore->solution string Filename of the solution file Not optional1
<prefix>->symmetry string Symmetry of the stiffness matrix, one of:
<prefix>->solver string Solver type, see Solvers and Preconditioners default
<prefix>->marker[<treepath>] string Prefix for marker parameters, see Markers None2
<prefix>->output[<treepath>] string Prefix for filewriter parameters, see Filewriters None3
<prefix>->output string as <prefix>->output[] None3

1Only required when ProblemStat::restore is called
2No marker will be set up if the ->strategy subkey is not specified
3No filewriter will be set up if the ->format subkey is not specified


key type values default value
<prefix>->strategy string Marking strategy, one of:
0 (no marking),
1 (global refinement),
2 (maximum strategy),
3 (equidistribution strategy),
4 (guaranteed error reduction strategy)
Not optional
<prefix>->info int Verbosity 0
<prefix>->max refinement level int Maximum refinement level No maximum
<prefix>->min refinement level int Minimum refinement level 0
<prefix>->p123 double Power in estimator norm 2.0
<prefix>->MSGamma1 double Marking parameter 0.5
<prefix>->MSGammaC1 double Marking parameter 0.1
<prefix>->ESTheta2 double Marking parameter 0.9
<prefix>->EsThetaC2 double Marking parameter 0.2
<prefix>->GERSThetaStar3 double Marking parameter 0.6
<prefix>->GERSNu3 double Marking parameter 0.1
<prefix>->GERSThetaC3 double Marking parameter 0.1

1Only for maximum strategy
2Only for equidistribution strategy
3Only for guaranteed error reduction strategy

Solvers and Preconditioners

Parameters used by the SolverInfo class

key type values default value
<prefix>->info int Solver verbosity level 0
<prefix>->break if tolerance not reached bool If true throw an error if tolerance could not be reached false


key type values default value
<prefix>->info int Verbosity, one of:
0 (no convergence information),
1 (minimal output, print residual every 10th iteration),
2 (full convergence output)
<prefix>->ksp string Name of a PETSc Krylov methoda default
<prefix> string alternative to <prefix>->ksp when not set as above
<prefix>->max it PetscInt Verbosity PETSC_DEFAULT
<prefix>->rtol PetscReal Relative convergence toleranceb PETSC_DEFAULT
<prefix>->atol PetscReal Absolute convergence toleranceb PETSC_DEFAULT
<prefix>->divtol PetscReal Divergence toleranceb PETSC_DEFAULT
<prefix>->prefix string The options prefix for the solverc No prefix set
<prefix>->mat solver string Sets the software that is used to perform the factorization d umfpack (sequential matrix) or mumps (otherwise)
<prefix>->pc string The preconditioner typee default
<prefix>->pc->mat solver1 string Solver used by the LU preconditionerd None
<prefix>->pc->prefix string The options prefix for the preconditionerf No prefix set
<prefix>->scale2 PetscReal Damping factor used by richardson solver 1.0
<prefix>->restart3 PetscInt Number of iterations until restart 30
<prefix>->gramschmidt3 string Orthogonalization routine used by gmres solversg: classical or modified Use PETSc default
<prefix>->restart3 string Type of iterative refinement to use in the classical Gram Schmidt orthogonalizationh, one of:
never (never refine),
ifneeded (refine if needed),
always (always refine)
Use PETSc default
<prefix>->ell4 PetscReal Number of search directions in BiCGStab_ell Use PETSc default
<prefix>->restart5 PetscInt Number of iterations until restart Use PETSc default

1Only for lu preconditioner
2Only for richardson solver
3Only for gmres solver types
4Only for BiCGStab_ell solver
5Only for GCR solver

aSee PETSc documentation for Krylov methods
bSee PETSc documentation for Krylov method tolerances
cSee PETSc documentation for Krylov method options
dSee PETSc documentation for preconditioners
eSee PETSc documentation for preconditioners
fSee PETSc documentation for preconditioners
gSee PETSc documentation for GMRes solver
hSee PETSc documentation for GMRes solver


key type values default value
<prefix> string Solver type, one of:
cg (conjugate gradient solver),
bicgstab (bi-conjugate gradient stabilized solver),
bcgs (same as bicgstab),
minres (minimal residual algorithm for symmetric matrices),
gmres (generalized minimal residual algorithm),
dgmres (restarted gmres with deflation),
default (same as gmres),
umfpack1 (sparse LU factorization based on UmfPack),
superlu2 (sparse LU factorization based on SuperLU library),
direct (same as umfpack or superlu)
<prefix>->reuse pattern bool Reuse matrix pattern if true false
<prefix>->relative tolerance RealScalar Tolerance threshold used by the stopping criteria floating-point epsilon
<prefix>->max iteration int Maximum number of iterations 500
<prefix>->restart34 int Number of iterations until restart 30
<prefix>->num eigenvalues4 int Number of eigenvalues to deflate at each restart 0
<prefix>->max num eigenvalues4 int Maximum size of the deflation subspace 5
<prefix>->precon->name5 string Preconditioner, one of:
no (no preconditioner),
diag (diagonal preconditioner),
jacobi (diagonal preconditioner),
ilu (incomplete LU factorization),
ic (incomplete Choleski factorization)
<prefix>->precon->ordering6 string Ordering used in Choleski factorization: amd or natural amd
<prefix>->precon->drop tolerance7 double Drop any element whose magnitude is less than this tolerance 1e-15l
<prefix>->precon->fill factor7 int This is used to compute the number of largest elements to keep on each row 10

1Requires UmfPack
2Requires SuperLU
3Only for gmres solver
4Only for dgmres solver
5Does not apply to umfpack or superlu solvers
6Only for incomplete Choleski factorization
7Only for ilu solver


key type values default value
<prefix> string Solver type, one of:
cg (conjugate gradient method),
cgs (stabilized conjugate gradient method),
bicg (BiCG method),
bcgs (stabilized BiCG(1) method),
bicgstab (as bcgs),
bcgs2 (stabilized BiCG(2) method),
bicgstab2 (as bcgs2),
qmr (quasi-minimal residual method),
tfqmr (transposed-free quasi-minimal residual method),
bcgsl (stabilized BiCG(ell) method),
bicgstab_ell (as bcgsl),
gmres (generalized minimal residual method),
fgmres (flexible gmres),
minres (minimal residual method),
idrs (induced dimension reduction method),
gcr (generalized conjugate residual method),
preonly (just apply a preconditioner),
default (as gmres),
umfpack1 (external UMFPACK solver),
direct (as umfpack)
<prefix>->absolute tolerance2 type of matrix values Absolute solver tolerance: ∥b-Ax∥ < absolute tolerance 0
<prefix>->relative tolerance2 type of matrix values Relative solver tolerance: ∥b-Ax∥ / ∥b-Ax0∥ < relative tolerance 1.e-6
<prefix>->max iteration2 int Maximal number of iterations 1000
<prefix>->print cycle2 int Print solver residuals every print cycle iterations 100
<prefix>->store symbolic3 bool false
<prefix>->symmetric strategy3 int 0
<prefix>->alloc init3 double 0.7
<prefix>->ell4 int Parameter of stabilized BiCG(ell) 3
<prefix>->restart5 int Maximal number of orthogonalized vectors 30
<prefix>->orthogonalization6 int 1 (gram schmidt) or 2 (householder) 1
<prefix>->s7 int Parameter of IDR(s) 30
<prefix>->precon2 string Left preconditioner type, one of:
diag (diagonal preconditioner),
jacobi (as diag),
masslumping (mass lumping preconditioner),
ilu (incomplete LU preconditioner),
ilu0 (as ilu),
no (no preconditioner),
identity (as no),
solver (use a solver as preconditioner),
default (as no),
hypre8 (Hypre preconditioner)
<prefix>->precon->solver9 int Solver type used for the preconditioner, same options as for <prefix> default

1Requires UmfPack
2Does not apply to umfpack solver
3Only umfpack solver
4Only bcgsl solver
5Only gmres, fgmres and gcr solvers
6Only gmres and fgmres solvers
7Only idrs solver
8Requires Hypre, see amdis/linearalgebra/mtl/HyprePrecon.hpp for subkeys and possible values
9Only solver preconditioner, subkeys use the same values as above e.g. <prefix>->precon->solver->max iteration: 500


key type values default value
<prefix> string Solver type, one of:
cg (conjugate gradient method),
pcg (generalized preconditioned conjugate gradient solver),
fcg1 (accelerated flexible conjugate gradient method),
cfcg1 (complete flexible conjugate gradient method),
bcgs (stabilized bi-conjugate gradient method),
bicgstab (as bcgs),
default (as bcgs),
minres (minimal residul method),
gmres (generalized minimal residual method),
fgmres1 (flexible generalized minimal residual (FGMRes) method),
umfpack2 (external UMFPACK solver),
ldl2 (external LDL solver),
spqr2 (external SQPR solver),
cholmod2 (external Cholmod solver),
superlu2 (external SuperLU solver),
direct (as umfpack or superlu)
<prefix>->info int Verbosity 0
<prefix>->max iteration3 int Maximal number of solver iterations 500
<prefix>->relative tolerance3 type of matrix values Relative break tolerance 1.e-6
<prefix>->restart4 int Restart parameter 30
<prefix>->reuse vector5 bool Reuse vectors in subsequent calls to apply if true true
<prefix>->category string sequential (sequential solver),
overlapping (overlapping parallel solver),
nonoverlapping (nonoverlapping parallel solver),
default (chooses depending on grid and process count)
<prefix>->precon3 string Preconditioner type, one of:
diag (diagonal preconditioner),
jacobi (as diag),
gs (Gauss-Seidel preconditioner),
gauss_seidel (as gs),
sor (Successive Overrelaxation methods),
ssor (Symmetric Successive Overrelaxation methods),
pssor (A parallel SSOR preconditioner (requires overlap)),
richardson (Richardson methods),
default (as richardson),
solver (Turns a solver into a preconditioner),
bjacobi (Block-Jacobi methods),
ilu (Incomplete LU factorization),
ilu0 (as ilu),
ildl (Incomplete LDL factorization),
amg6 (Algebraic multigrid method),
fastamg6 (Algebraic multigrid method),
kamg6 (Algebraic multigrid method)
<prefix>->precon->relaxation3 double Dumping/relaxation factor 1.0
<prefix>->precon->iterations3 int Number of iterations 1
<prefix>->precon->solver7 string Solver type used for the preconditioner, same options as for <prefix> default
<prefix>->precon->sub precon8 string Preconditioner used in each block, same options as for <prefix>->precon default
solver category string as <prefix>->category default

1Requires dune-istl 2.7
2Requires external solver package
3Only for cg, pcg, fcg, cfcg, bcgs, minres, gmres and fgmres solvers
4Only for pcg and gmres solvers
5Only for superlu solver
6See amdis/linearalgebra/istl/AMGPrecon.hpp for subkeys and possible values
7Only solver preconditioner, subkeys use the same values as above e.g. <prefix>->precon->solver->max iteration: 500
8Only for bjacobi preconditioner, subkeys use the same values as above e.g. <prefix>->precon->sub precon->iterations: 1
9Checks global parameter solver category if not set


key type values default value
<prefix>->macro file name string Filename of the mesh file None1
<prefix>->structured2 string Type of the structured grid, one of:
cube (rectangular or cube grid),
simplex (triangular or tetrahedral grid)
Grid dependant
<prefix>->global refinements int Number of initial global refinement steps 0
<prefix>->load balance bool Perform initial load balance if true No load balance
<prefix>->min corner2 dim-sized array of global coordinates lower left corner of the domain (0,...,0)
<prefix>->max corner2 dim-sized array of global coordinates upper right corner of the domain (1,...,1)
<prefix>->num cells2 dim-sized array of int number of blocks in each coordinate direction (1,...,1)
<prefix>->overlap3 int Number of overlap elements on a distributed grid 0
<prefix>->periodic3 string String of ones and zeros indicating if the grid is periodic in the xyz-direction, e.g. 010 periodic in y-direction 0...0 (not periodic)

1If no file name is given a structured grid will be constructed
2Only for structured grid generation
3YaspGrid only


Parameters used by the AdaptInfo class

key type values default value
<prefix>->tolerance double Tolerance for the (absolute or relative) error 0.0
<prefix>->time tolerance double Time tolerance 0.0
<prefix>->time relative tolerance double Relative time tolerance 0.0
<prefix>->coarsen allowed int 0 (coarsening not allowed),
1 (coarsening allowed)
<prefix>->refinement allowed int 0 (refinement not allowed),
1 (refinement allowed)
<prefix>->sum factor double Factor to combine max and integral time estimate 1.0
<prefix>->max factor double Factor to combine max and integral time estimate 0.0
<prefix>->start time double Initial time 0.0
<prefix>->timestep double Time step size to be used 0.0
<prefix>->end time double Final time 0.0
<prefix>->max iteration int Maximal allowed number of iterations of the adaptive procedure No maximum
<prefix>->max timestep iteration int Maximal number of iterations for choosing a timestep 30
<prefix>->max time iteration int Maximal number of time iterations 30
<prefix>->min timestep double Minimal step size Square root of floating-point epsilon
<prefix>->max timestep double Maximal step size Square root of floating-point maximal value
<prefix>->number of timesteps int Number of fixed timestep iterations None1
<prefix>->time tolerance double Tolerance for the overall time error 1.0

1If this is set to a nonzero value the computation is done number of timesteps times with a fixed time step size

Parameters used by the AdaptInstationary class

key type values default value
<prefix>->strategy int 0 (explicit time strategy),
1 (implicit time strategy),
2 (simple adaptive time strategy)
<prefix>->time delta 1 double Parameter Δ1 used in time step reduction 1/√2
<prefix>->time delta 2 double Parameter Δ2 used in time step enlargement √2
<prefix>->break when stable bool Stops the iteration when the instationary problem is stable when set to true false


key type values default value
<prefix>->format vector<string> List of format strings from the following list1:
vtk (VTK format using the dune-grid writer),
dune-vtk (VTK format using the dune-vtk writer)2,
gmsh (GMsh file format),
backup (backup writer)
Not optional
<prefix>->filename string Filename of the output file excluding the file extension solution
<prefix>->output directory string Directory where to put the files .
<prefix>->name string Name of the data vector in the output file solution
<prefix>->write every i-th timestep int Timestep number interval 0
<prefix>->write after timestep double Time interval 0.0
<prefix>->animation345 bool write .pvd file if true false
<prefix>->mode3 int 0 (output in ASCII),
1 (output appended base64 binary)
<prefix>->subsampling3 int Number of refinement intervals for subsampling No subsampling
<prefix>->mode4 int 0 (ASCII),
1 (binary),
2 (compressed)
<prefix>->precision45 int 0 (float),
1 (double)
<prefix>->animation6 bool Append timestepnumber if true, otherwise always override false

1One filewriter will be set up for each format string in the list
2Requires the dune-vtk module
3Only for vtk format
4Only for dune-vtk format
5Only for gmsh format
6Only for backup format